Matt Chandler is one of my favorite preachers – bold, genuine and biblical. This is an excellent book from him: The Mingling of Souls: God’s Design for Love, Marriage, Sex, and Redemption, $4.99 In this book, addressed to both singles and married couples, Chandler uses the biblical Song of Solomon to discuss courtship, attraction, sex, weddings and even arguing. Practical and biblical and worthy of a read.
Here’s an even better deal on a Matt Chandler book: Recovering Redemption: A Gospel Saturated Perspective on How to Change, by Matt Chandler, $.99 – This book goes beyond moralism and rules and takes a Gospel saturated look on how change happens in our life through grace. Chandler is awesome, and this book is an excellent book for those fighting stubborn sin and our own willful flesh. Which is pretty much all of us!
What is the Meaning of Sex by Denny Burk: $2.99 I am good friends with Denny Burk, and highly recommend this book! O.K., that’s not actually true – I am Facebook friends with Denny Burk, and though he wouldn’t know me from Adam, I think quite highly of him, his writing ability and his overall theology. This is an excellent book that explores all facets of sex and sexuality in the context of Biblical truth. Both informative and designed to equip Christians to winsomely engage modern culture with truth.
Keeping with the theme of sex and romance, here is Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God (With a word to wives from Carolyn Mahaney): What Every Christian Husband Needs to Know by C.J. Mahaney, $4.99 – In this short book, C.J. and Carolyn both put forth a biblical and pleasure based vision for sex inside of marriage. I’ve listened to several messages by C.J. on this topic, and I think he is one of the best teachers and writers in Christendom on the subject of romance and sex in marriage. Frank, genuine, truthful.
Each for The Other: Marriage as It’s Meant to Be, by Bryan Chappell: $9.86 – It’s not actually on sale, but Chapell’s book is another worthy edition to this round up of marriage books. This book uses biblical principles to lead to an intimate marriage of allies. Great author.
The Expulsive Power of a New Affection, by Thomas Chalmers, is on sale for only $.99. This work, often referenced by pastor Tim Keller, talks about how to overcome sin not through gritty self-control, but through desire for an even greater pleasure. Short, sweet, and powerful!
Speaking of Keller, His little book Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness by Tim Keller is only $1.99 this week. Here’s the Publisher’s description of the book: In this short and punchy book, best–selling author Timothy Keller, shows that gospel–humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from self–condemnation. A truly gospel–humble person is not a self–hating person or a self–loving person, but a self–forgetful person.
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