Stop Asking Jesus Into Your Heart, by J.D. Greear $.99! This is one of the best books I have ever read on salvation, evangelism and coming to Jesus. I’m not fully crazy about the title, but I agree with the premise, and the book itself is a true 5 start book. This is an excellent book for one who actually wonders whether or not they are saved by Jesus and an excellent book to introduce somebody else to the claims of Christ and the way to follow him. This is an absolute no-brainer for less than one dollar. Walk don’t run to Amazon and get this book! /salesbanter 😉
Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection by Jonathan K. Dodson: $2.99 This is a great approach to the resurrection of Jesus. Beginning at a place of doubt (and encouraging doubters in general that they are not alone and not flawed), Dodson and Watson make an excellent short and sweet case for the resurrection.
Charles Spurgeon on Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, SIX books in one: $9.99 – This is a solid deal – SIX books (almost six hundred pages) in one, that covers the gamut of Spurgeon’s teaching on prayer, abiding in Christ, demons and spiritual warfare.
Gospel Assurance and Warnings by Paul “The Iron Fist” Washer. $2.99 Okay, so Paul Washer’s nickname is not actually “The Iron Fist,” at least as far as I know. However, brother Washer is a hardcore, no compromise voice of one crying in the desert to make straight paths for the second coming of Jesus. Washer is no joke, and this book is filled with some wonderful Gospel assurances and promises as well as some pointed (and needed) warnings to a lukewarm church. Washer is a genuine modern day Leonard Ravenhill – with Reformed theology.
Exalting Jesus in 1 and 2nd Timothy + Titus and Exalting Jesus in James – both by David Platt and both $2.99 (Christ Centered Exposition Commentary) I love David Platt, and here he has written to very accessible commentaries to four important New Testament books. Both are very worthwhile investments for less than $3.
Who is Jesus? (Crucial Questions, Book 1) R.C. Sproul: FREE Yep – The R.C. Sproul Crucial Questions series is ALL FREE on Amazon right now. And it’s good stuff – very foundational, but very deep. Well worth your time, and you can’t beat FREE!
The Centurion’s Wife by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn: FREE Awww yeah. Ain’t nothing like Christian romance, baby. My wife says that Janette Oke is “pretty good” and that she thinks her theology is “O.K.”, though it has been a few years since she has read any Oke books Now THAT is a ringing endorsement. Based on the 1000+ Amazon reviews (75 percent are 5 stars) the book looks like solid historical Christian romance, if that is your thing.
Other Amazon Deals:
Sherlock Holmes: The Ultimate Edition by Arthur Conan Doyle: FREE – This is GREAT! a free, four hundred page compilation of illustrated Holmes stories. Holmes is not the best role model, and Doyle was into occult spiritualism in a dangerous way, but these books are literary classics for good reason. Read with caution – especially for youngsters. (Using the word “youngsters” in a sentence makes me feel like Andy Griffith. Not a bad thing, I suppose.
More Amazon Deals Could Be Posted Later…Stay Tuned!
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