THERE IS AN ALL NEW KINDLE READER TODAY! It comes in white, has some great features, and is only $79.00! Thinner, lighter, better battery and slightly upgraded screen make this worthy of checking out. A doubling of the internal memory – more books! – makes the new Kindle doubly worth checking out! I’m a big fan of Kindle readers, and I suspect we will have one or two in our household before too long. Not sure if I’m a fan of the white or not – what do you think?
David Brainerd: A Flame for God (Part of the History Makers Series): $1.99 – This is a series of biographical books about great heroes of Christianity. David Brainerd is one of my personal heroes, and I have been inspired and challenged many times by his diary/journal. This is a great book for adults and perfect for parents to read to their kids.
D.L. Moody: One Devoted Man $1.99 – Similar to the above – this is a great to read or read along autobiography of pastor and evangelist D.L. Moody.
FREEBIE OF THE DAY: Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan (in modern English) FREE If you haven’t read this classic – you should. It is amazing and timeless!
Who is Jesus: Linking the Historical Jesus with the Christ of Faith by Darrell Bock: $3.99 Here’s one for the scholarly among us. A good, deep book that links apologetics and theology.
As something of a Calvinist, I often hear that Calvinists can be arrogant, cold and rude. In my own experience, I don’t find that to be true, but I have certainly seen evidences of it online! A book that might just help that problem is: Letters to a Young Calvinist by James K.A. Smith $1.99 Worth checking out!
Other Books and Deals
Under $30 for a great pair of men’s New Balance shoes – most sizes still available. This is a fairly unheard of price for these shoes!
The Little Pup Collection by Mary Lee: FREE! Some cute books for the kiddos.
An excellent deal on Fish Oil – It seems that many supplements aren’t that helpful. Fish oil, however, actually seems to be remarkably beneficial. Here’s 150 for around $5.00 when you clip the coupon on the page.
Crazy Horse and Custer: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors by Stephen Ambrose $1.99 Ambrose is noted historian and gifted writer. This work details the lives of General Custer and Crazy Horse, and their bloody showdown.
Do you have itchy ears? Well – don’t use Q-tips on them! 😉 In case you want to, however, here is a great deal on Q-Tips
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